
Wuyuan Ancient Villages and Countryside

Wuyuan Ancient Villages and Countryside

Wuyuan is a county in northeastern Jiangxi province. It is renowned for its beautiful countryside and well-preserved ancient Huizhou villages and architecture. Many of the buildings and villages date from the Tang dynasty and have been protected by the county’s remoteness and relatively inconvenient transportation.

Highlights and Travel Tips

The area is famous for the fields of yellow rapeseed flowers that surround the villages in March and April, which are among the most beautiful in China and will delight photographers. One of the best places to see the flowers is hills surrounding the village of Jiangling.

Popular villages and sights around the county include Likeng Village, Mount Dazhang (a beautiful area filled with soaring mountains and crashing waterfalls that is as yet undiscovered by tourism), Rainbow Bridge (a covered bridge), and Jiangling Village.

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