
Blog de Voyage en Chine

How to Make the Most of Your 144-Hour Visa-Free Transit in Beijing

In the second half of 2017, the Chinese government initiated a six-day (144-hour) visa-free entry policy in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. This allows visitors to enter and leave from any combination of ports of entry in the region e.g. arriving at Tianjin International Cruise...

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The Five Most Beautiful Ancient Towns in China

China’s fascinating and diverse cultural history is well preserved in the many ancient towns (known in Chinese as 古镇gŭzhèn or 古城 gŭchéng) scattered across the country. Walking around an ancient town, some of which have been redeveloped for tourism, some of which...

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The Best Things to Do in China in Winter

Winter may see the mercury plummeting across China but there is still plenty to do to keep plucky visitors busy. Winter is low season in China meaning that those who brave the cold can expect lower prices for flights and hotels and smaller crowds. Beijing: Go ice skating on...

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Five of the Best Documentaries about China

In our last blog, we wrote about the top 10 movies you should watch before your first trip to China. While many of the movies on that list offer accurate depictions of their subject matter there is nothing like a good documentary to give you a real insight into a destination...

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10 Movies to Watch Before Your First Trip to China

Preparation is a key part of any trip or holiday to China and the more you can learn about the people, culture, and everyday life before you leave, the more you will get out of your experience here. What better way to do that than watching a movie from the comfort of your own...

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Les 10 plats du petit déjeuner à goûter en Chine

On dit que le petit-déjeuner est le repas le plus important de la journée et c’est certainement vrai si vous voulez comprendre la cuisine et la culture d'un pays. Le petit-déjeuner en Chine peut être différent de ce que vous êtes habitué à manger, mais si vous explore...

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Que mettre dans sa valise pour aller en Chine

Pour de nombreux voyageurs internationaux, l'idée de voyager en Chine évoque des images de temples anciens, de palais impériaux et de nourriture délicieuse, mais à l'approche de votre voyage, votre imagination pourrait laisser place à une pointe de stress. La logistique...

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Voyager en train en Chine

Le réseau ferroviaire à grande vitesse de la Chine s'est développé rapidement ces dernières années. De ce fait, la Chine possède désormais le plus long réseau ferroviaire à grande vitesse du monde, représentant plus des deux tiers des voies ferrées commerciales...

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Why China is a Safe Choice for Solo Female Travelers

Start Googling any destination and you will inevitably find plenty of articles asking whether it is safe for women to travel there alone. With that in mind, this blog aims to answer any questions you might have about traveling alone in China as a woman. Straight off the bat...

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Nos tours les plus populaires
Triangle d'or de Chine Triangle d'or de Chine
48 heures à Pékin 48 heures à Pékin
Conte de deux villes Conte de deux villes