
China Travel Blog

How to Avoid the Crowds When Traveling in China

Thanks to its population of 1.3 billion people, it is a simple fact that when traveling in China you should be prepared to face some crowds during your trip, especially when you are visiting popular tourist attractions. However, don’t let that put you off planning a trip to...

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How to Book Forbidden City Tickets Online

All visitors to the Palace Museum (often referred to as the Forbidden City) must book their tickets online at least one day in advance. Tickets are not available on the day of visiting at the entrance of the Forbidden City. The Forbidden City tickets start to sell 7 days in...

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Traditional Chinese Medicine

Steeped in over 2,500 years of history, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has remained almost unchanged for centuries and is deeply intertwined with the lifestyle of the vast majority of modern Chinese people. The primary source for Chinese Medicine is the Inner Canon of...

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A Potted History of Chinese Ceramics

You can’t talk about Chinese ceramics without taking a very long journey through the dynasties. Porcelain, often considered to be the finest expression of ceramic art, has transcended time and space, and to this day modern people still refer to their beloved porcelain as "china...

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An Introduction to the Silk Road

The Silk Road was an ancient network of trade routes that carried goods, culture, philosophy, and ideas from China all the way through Eurasia to the Mediterranean Sea and back again. Although the term “Silk Road” itself is a relatively recent appellation, coined by German...

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The Seven Types of Chinese Tea

Tea has a long and illustrious history in China, having originated there more than 4,000 years ago. Legend has it that tea was discovered by Emperor Shen Nong in 2,737 BC when leaves fell into the water he was boiling. Tea is consumed throughout the day, as a substitute for plain...

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The 10 Best Family Friendly Activities in China

China is a great place to travel with children. Not only will you find many opportunities for your children to play with other Chinese children, but there are also hundreds of things that will keep even the most active of little minds occupied in-between sightseeing in China...

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Top 10 Places To Visit On Your First Trip To China

Having already blogged about how to plan your first trip to China, we thought some information about the top ten places to visit on that first trip would be the perfect accompaniment. As the third largest country in the world by total area, planning your route through China...

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Chinese Ethnic Groups

China officially recognizes 56 ethnic groups, including the Han majority. These groups are incredibly culturally diverse; fifty-three ethnic groups have their own language and 23 have their own written language. Approximately 8.4% of the Chinese population belongs to an ethnic...

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The Best Souvenirs to Bring Back from China

So you’re coming to the end of your China trip and you’re wondering what souvenirs to buy that will impress and delight the folks back home. Check our list of recommended souvenirs and you’re guaranteed to be the most popular person around! Wine and SpiritsChinese-made...

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